
Monday, August 22, 2011

Right here. Right Now: Gym Edition

There are so many things I want to say and I want to share about my journey up to this point and what I hope for the future.  BUT I can feel myself already getting 5 miles ahead of myself. One of my biggest challenges is to stay engaged, right here, right now in this moment.  (and isn't that was authenticity is all about?!)

So I am going to write about "the NOW" and enjoy it.

Today was my first day back to the gym in months.  I was really anxious even thinking about going to the gym for a number of reasons.  The stares at the "big girl", feeling like I did not belong, and looking weak just to name a few.  Thankfully, this is a gym I've been to before, so that was a minor relief this stressful excursion. 

Guess what?! All that stress and anxiety WAS FOR NOTHING!  

Once I jumped on an elliptical all the fear, anxiety, and stress was gone.  No one was looking at me like I assumed they would.  I felt (and still feel) great and motivated to make this a habit.

What I wasn't expecting was the clarity exercing provided me today.  In my last post I talked about not knowing exactly what my goals would be but I knew they would come to me. And they did. So here are some fitness goals that I identified today:
  • Immediate: Weekly: Cardio Exercise (bike or elliptical) 4 times per week (at least 20 minutes but more if I'm feeling good - again, I don't want to ever feel like anything is a death sentence)
  • Be Physically Fit Enough To:
    • Attend Spin Class! I've just always wanted to try spin!
    • Add StairMaster to weekly cardio: This was my FAVORITE machine when I was super fit - I felt like a super hero whenever I worked out on it. I want that feeling again!
    • *I hope to attack both of these by December 1, 2012 - but I want to be sure I am physically ready so I'm not writing that one in stone.
  • Complete a 5K in January/February 2012
So happy I stayed engaged and in the moment today! It made for a wonderful day full of A-Ha moments - I wish you the same :) 

 What were your fitness goals when you first started?! 
How did you measure up to the goals you set?

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